Monday, August 8, 2011
Great to be 8!
Posted by Billie Jo at 12:15 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Short Sassy Six
I was worried how she would react to the baby since she had been our "baby" for so long, but again she has surprised me. She loves Evie and wants to help all the time. She loves reading, playing the violin, and is quite the ballroom diva. We love our Mia Lousie and know she will go far in her life! I am so proud to be her mother.
Posted by Billie Jo at 9:58 PM 5 comments
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunrise Sunset

Posted by Billie Jo at 3:59 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Evie's Pictures
Official weigh in 6lbs 130z
Posted by Billie Jo at 5:45 PM 9 comments
Thursday, February 24, 2011
It's A...........
GIRL! Evie Fae Butikofer made her arrival on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 2:06 pm. We could not be more excited and pleased that we are now parents to FOUR beautiful daughters.
With all the anticipation and anxiety that I have been going through the last little while I was beyond ready to meet our baby. I had been saying the entire time that I truly hoped we had a girl. Most people tried to tell me that it was a boy and he had been waiting for 12 years to join our family. While I would have been happy to welcome a baby boy, I am OVERJOYED to be the mother of 4 girls. I know many people who have four girls and my grandmother Louise started out with four girls. There is something about girls that I just love! So yes more pink, more hormones, more dancing, and more joy at the Butikofer home!
In case you are wondering about her name, I will offer some explanation. I am very into names that have meaning to both Tim and I. This name evolved from both of our grandmothers'. Eva is Tim's grandmother Burtenshaw's name and also his mom's middle name. Fae is my grandmother McNeil's name. We feel like Evie has spent time with both wonderful woman while waiting to join our family. By giving her a part of these legendary women, it will define who she is and how strong she will be. Her potential is limitless!
Thanks to everyone who called, text, and came to support us. We love you all and can't wait to be back home with all of our daughter's living the good life on Country Lane.
Picture will come soon!!!
Posted by Billie Jo at 5:53 AM 8 comments
Friday, December 31, 2010
Farewell 2010
Posted by Billie Jo at 4:33 PM 6 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tales from Kindergarten, Mia Style
And so it begins! Probably need to document these things right now so some day in the future I can laugh about it... someday!
I have been so blessed to have all my girls in school this year! We run a tight ship around this place and between the 7:05 AM bus time for Ellie, violin and guitar, and piano lessons in the morning, and then 7:58 AM bus time for Tess and Mia we get up early. Not a problem in the past. My two older girls are morning kids, they jump up and get going. Not so much with my third. She has been a different story from the get go. Call it head strong, call it stubborn, call it moody, just call it MIA! Each morning she has a different "drama." Many times it goes like this.
Mom no one will play with me on the playground. They think I am four because I am so little. My reply, logical of course- Well you can explain to them that your birthday is May 30th and you are five. There is another cute girl in your class named Kaylie who is about your size. Try to play with her.
In other new, Tess and Ellie are loving school, loving life, and loving wearing their shoes!
Ellie, Middle School 5th Grade
Posted by Billie Jo at 8:01 AM 5 comments